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Japanese Knotweed is not the only invasive weed that can cause serious problems for both commercial and residential properties.

ECS have a wealth of experience in dealing with a number of other invasive weeds beyond Japanese Knotweed. Take a look below at some of the other most common and problematic invasive weeds:

Giant Hogweed – Heracleum Mantegazzianum

This plant spreads via seeds and a seed bank is created in the soil surrounding the infestation. Each mature seed head can produce hundreds of seeds per annum… find out more

Ragwort – Senecio Jacobaea

Ragwort is a highly invasive plant species which is native to the UK, predominantly colonising areas with poor soil quality. Ragwort is covered in the Weeds Act 1959 where you have a duty of care to control ragwort (agricultural land only). It is a highly toxic plant that can lead to irreversible liver damage in livestock… find out more

Himalayan Balsam – Impatiens Glandulifera

A beautiful but highly invasive plant, imported to the UK by the Victorians in 1839. The plant possesses a stunning flower while in bloom. The ripe seedpods are tensely compacted by an inner coil which causes the pod to burst upon impact with an external force. The seed pods can be thrown up to four meters from the parent plant… find out more

Horse/Mares Tail – Equisetum Arvense

This native plant has changed little over millennia and is difficult to eradicate due to the fact that it produces air borne spores which can blow in from neighbouring populations… find out more

With over 50 collective years experience in the Japanese Knotweed & invasive weed sector you can trust our expert service...

  • Industry Leading

  • Discreet Service

  • Experienced Professionals

  • Cost Effective

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  • 10 Year Guarantee

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